A place to reclaim joy & peace
Hear a short Gospel presentation & find resources to help you grow.

A short Gospel Presentation
Hearing the Gospel (the Good News) of what Jesus has done for you changes everything. Take a few moments to listen: https://youtu.be/Fo-xv0QMTt4?si=zYTeIqdq8G3PXOiQ
Eternity Is Real
Do you know where you will spend eternity?
We have all made mistakes — God calls this sin.
Sin and brokenness will always result in death
The Cost
A blood sacrifice is required to release us from the grip of death
The Solution
Jesus paid the price and has done everything needed for salvation (freedom)
Eternal Life
When we believe Jesus and trust His finished work, we see a reversal into Eternal Life!
We welcome you to check out these resources, most of which are in person and are here to help you grow.
In Person and Online:
- Chi Alpha (Gathering every Thursday at 7:30 PM at Hasselmo Hall 110)
- SALT Minneapolis www.saltminneapolis.com (Gathers every Thursdays at 8:00 PM at 2310 Kennedy Street NE, Minneapolis)
- SALT StPaul www.saltstpaul.com (Gathers every Thursday at 8:00 PM at 845 Summit Ave, St Paul)
- Agape First (for Counseling needs) www.agapefirstministries.org
- River of Hope https://www.rohchurch.com/ (Gathers Sundays 10:30am 3300 University Ave SE Minneapolis)
- Truth & Freedom https://www.truthandfreedomchurch.com/ (Gathers Fridays 6:30pm 3300 University Ave SE)
- Covenant Life https://www.covlifecities.com/ (Gathers Sundays at 2pm 3300 University Ave SE Minneapolis)
- St Lawrence Newman Center www.gophercatholic.org (1203 5th St SE, Minneapolis)
- Prepare (Gathers Thursday nights 7pm 3300 University Ave SE Minneapolis)
- Twin Cities Prayer Room (Gathers Fridays 10am-2pm 3300 University Ave SE Minneapolis)
- Online Discipleship www.frostygrapes.com

- A place to connect over a meal.
- A place to ask honest questions.
- A place to grow in relationship with others.
- A place to grow in your faith.
- COMING THURSDAY NIGHTS 6:30PM (3300 University Ave SE Minneapolis)

“And Jesus was saying to them all, “If anyone wishes to follow Me [as My disciple], he must deny himself [set aside selfish interests], and take up his cross daily [expressing a willingness to endure whatever may come] and follow Me [believing in Me, conforming to My example in living and, if need be, suffering or perhaps dying because of faith in Me].

in Luke 9:23